Overview: Member of:
About David F. Wiley: David F. Wiley is a professional Software Engineer with 30 years of experience in data-intensive applications.
Mr. Wiley has a BS in Computer Science and an MS in Software Engineering. David Wiley also has expertise as a Security Officer. Security regarding Personal Identifiable Information (PII), applications processing, handling and importing and maintaining PII information. David Wiley is responsible for the Limited Death Master File Certification and HIPPA certification. His expertise expands to the NIST framework.
For the last 15 years, while at LifeStatus360, David designed and developed the databases and processes used for death audit and life audit comparisons and processing.
The applications developed were:Title: Application Prototyping using MS Access
Recorded: 01/28/2022
For the client, prototyping creates an expecation that something will be done, and a belief that what is presented will be delivered.
Contents: Definitions, Why prototype, What is prototyping, Types of prototyping, Levels of fidelity, Prototyping steps, Exclusionary method, Prototyping tools, Advantages/Disadvantages, Collaboration, Q&A
Title: Microsoft Dataverse
Recorded: 01/21/2022
Microsoft Dataverse plus Business Analysis using Access
Topic1: What is Dataverse, Microsoft Power Platform, Data Connectors, Data verse Family, Why use Dataverse, Metadata, Power BI, Logic and Validation, Productivity Tools, Security, Tools, Reporting, Getting Dataverse, Alpha and Dataverse, Controlling Costs
Topic 2: Business Analysis using Access